Thursday 26 April 2012

Of how it all started: Mid to late teens

This follows on from my previous 2 posts.

Previously we were up to Jan 2009. I had just had to acknowledge my complete dismal failure at training for a half marathon. Not good!

It came at a bad time for me, as other things were going on in my family life at this time, which I won't go into at this point. Suffice to say my training slipped completely.

From there onwards I had a couple of brief spurts where I would go to the gym for a month or so, but for the most part I was getting on with other aspects of my life which were more important at the time. During a period of unemployment I had been stupid enough to run up large debts on credit cards, as well as getting myself banned from driving. It wasn't a good year for me.

By late 2009 and early 2010 I had finally started to sort out the mess I had got myself in, and life was coming back on track, after a minor detour.

Unfortunately it takes a lot longer to dig your way our of life's problems than it does to get into them. Sorting my life out (especially financially) had become my number one priority so I didn't even have time to think about the gym for a long time.

Although I had been in a stable job for a several months by then, it was late 2010 by the time I was living comfortably again. By then the previous version of me that weighed 150lbs at school and could cycle across countries without breaking a sweat was a long and distant memory, and the on-again off-again gymaholic, who had lost 50lbs in just 4 months, felt like an eternity ago.

Fast forward once again, this time to September 2011. Just a few months ago. I was 27 (still am, at least for a couple more weeks).

I hadn't been to a gym at all for quite a while and it showed. I was still a way off the 250lbs that I had been a few years before, but I was visibly growing again. This time there was no way I was going to let it go as far as it did before, so when my friend Nathan said he'd just signed up at the swankiest gym in town, I was quick to join him, with big plans to get myself back in shape once again.

This brings us up to (more or less) present day in my story.

To be continued...

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